It’s National Smile Month and we at Boulevard Dental love to transform smiles! Scroll below to witness some amazing BEFORE AND AFTER transformations!

Crowns and Composite Fillings

This patient received two ceramic crowns, as well as composite fillings on the surrounding teeth. It took the patient a couple of years to make the decision to do this, but once the decision was made, she was thrilled to receive what she had always wanted!

New Teeth Today

This patient had teeth that were broken down and decayed and that could no longer be saved. He chose not to get dentures, but instead, he wanted something permanent. We worked with Dr. Fallon from Berks Oral Surgery to place implants and to provide a fixed bridge. The patient was thrilled with the result!

Sports Injury

This student from a local university came to us for an emergency appointment because of badly broken front teeth. We were able to restore his teeth with composite fillings, which turned out to be a fairly inexpensive way to restore his teeth. He was very thankful!

KöR Whitening

Dr. Medianick’s daughter and wife have received KöR whitening, as Dr. Medianick uses only the best products on his family and patients! This is a picture of the before and after of his daughter who used KöR whitening overnight for two weeks daily. His daughter was repeatedly asked by her friends, “What did you use on your teeth?” Even the lunch lady told her, “You have a beautiful smile!”

“I wish I had done it earlier,” is often the phrase that Dr. Medianick hears after he restores smiles. Have you considered a smile transformation, but are hesitant? We would love to consult with you about what we might be able to do for you!