The war in Ukraine has become a political issue in the US. It is easy to forget that this war is first and foremost a personal matter. It involves the very personal loss of thousands of lives. And regardless of what you think about the war, millions of civilians in Ukraine are fighting for their lives and country, and millions are displaced. I would like to share with you the personal side of the Ukrainian conflict based upon my own reflections, my contacts with my Ukrainian family and friends, as well as with my fellow dentist, Dr. Volodya. Dr. Volodya serves on the front lines as a volunteer dentist in Ukraine. I’d like to share how you can partner with him in his volunteer efforts.
Ukraine and its People:
My birth country of Ukraine is a beautiful country with majestic forests and bountiful soil; it includes the breathtaking Carpathian Mountains and the Black Sea. Ukrainian people are very generous people. We love our freedom, and we want to live at peace with all of our neighbors.
My Personal Reaction to the War:
When Russian forces invaded Ukraine two years ago, it felt like a thief violently invaded my home. Myself and other Ukrainians felt overwhelmed, but we were determined to not give up. Before the war, Ukrainian politicians divided the Ukrainian people into political camps. (We can relate to this because we are experiencing the same thing in our own country.) But the war has united Ukrainians like never before. Because Ukraine was not ready to fight a prolonged war, volunteer movements have become key in their fight against the enemy.
The Impact on My Family and Friends:
Several of my family members escaped from the Russian invasion at the beginning of the war. However, some of them, including my aunt, my cousins, and their families, continue to reside in Ukraine. For those who remain, their lives have dramatically changed. They are constantly forced to respond to air raid sirens that go off two to three times per night. The mental torture has impacted everyone living in Ukraine. However, Ukrainians know that this is their land and they have nowhere else to go, so they will fight!
Dr. Volodya:
I met Ukrainian dentist, Dr. Volodya, six years ago on my first trip to Ukraine. He has a small dental practice in his hometown of Rivne. This man has a true heart for helping people. He has volunteered countless hours in the past treating Ukrainian soldiers, the handicapped, and the less fortunate. Together, we treated Ukrainian soldiers on the eastern front lines of the war zone in 2018. Since the full invasion, Dr. Volodya has volunteered his time in the war zone many times, risking his life to treat soldiers, as well as civilians in the territories close to the conflict. Right now, we have a fantastic opportunity to help finance a mobile dental clinic for Dr. Volodya. Would you be willing to join me to raise $18,500 for Dr. Volodya’s mobile dental clinic?
To Donate to Dr. Volodya’s Mobile Dental Clinic:
- Make your check out to Tim Medianick, and in the memo line, write “Ukraine.”
- Mail your check to 430 Kenhorst Boulevard, Reading, PA 19611.
Many patients have previously asked me how they can help with the conflict in Ukraine, and many of you have already been very generous. Politicians may fight about their differences as it relates to Ukraine, but we can choose to come together to make a difference. I am very thankful for you and your support!
-Dr. Tim Medianick, DMD, FICOI