Our 60th Anniversary!

It’s our 60th Anniversary Year, and we’d like to celebrate it with you! The practice has an amazing history, and we would never be where we are today if wasn’t for the doctors and staff, both past and present, and ALL OF YOU!


The practice at 430 Kenhorst Boulevard was founded in 1964 by Dr. Barry Angstadt. He was the one who built the original building, a much smaller version than what exists today. Dr. George Clark joined the practice in 1976, and at this time, he became a partner to Dr. Angstadt. Dr. Clark was the one who added onto the building. Dr. Kenneth Speicher later joined the practice in 1980, at which time he also became a partner. Dr. Angstadt worked with Drs. Clark and Speicher until about 2000.

Dr. Tim Medianick purchased the practice in late 2008 from Drs. Clark and Speicher. At this time, he renamed the practice, “Boulevard Dental Associates, PC.” Dr. Speicher had retired from working approximately a year before that. Dr. Clark stayed working for Dr. Medianick until he retired in 2016.

Dr. Medianick and Dr. Clark:

Dr. Medianick and Dr. Clark had a terrific working relationship.
Here are Dr. Medianick’s words about Dr. Clark:

“There are a few people in life who you can say truly changed the course of your life. Dr. George Clark was one of those people for me. I was practicing dentistry in Lancaster County, but I was actively looking to buy a practice of my own at the time. Other doors were closing, but one day I got a call from a Dr. George Clark in Shillington, PA. He heard about me through a family friend who was also a dentist. We met, and it soon became clear to both of us that we shared the same values–in dentistry, in family, and in life. It is extremely rare in the field of dentistry for this type of arrangement to work. But Dr. Clark had the utmost respect for me; he supported me fully in this role. He gave me full reins and supported me throughout the whole process. Dr. Clark was my associate, but also my friend. His practice was perfect for me because we shared so much in common.
–Dr. Medianick

Dr. Clark previously shared:

“I was very pleased with the way in which Dr. Medianick handled the ownership transition. He was fair, honest, well prepared, knowledgeable, and forthright. His overriding major concern was, and continues to be, the welfare of our patients, which he spends much time and effort to accomplish. He possesses dental knowledge and technical skills that are the hallmarks of an excellent dentist. I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to work with him over the course of seven years while sharing knowledge, insight, workload, and friendship. I highly recommend him as your dentist in the many years to come.”
–Dr. Clark

Long-Standing Staff:

The two longest-standing staff members of the practice are hygienists, Teresa Hanna, RDH and Heather Huey, RDH.

Teresa started working in 1989 with Drs. Angstadt, Clark, and Speicher. Teresa shares:

“The biggest change since 1989 has been with technology. We used to use a handwritten appointment book. We went from no computers to a computer in ever operatory. Digital x-rays have also been a wonderful advancement, allowing almost instant results and better clarity with the ability to enlarge the pictures for ease of diagnosis. Implants were also a rare and involved procedure, and now they are common place.”
–Teresa Hanna, RDH

Heather began in 1999 with Drs. Clark and Speicher. She shares:

“The quality of the care at Boulevard Dental has been high with all the doctors because they have put patients’ needs first.”
–Heather Huey, RDH

Who is Boulevard Dental?

Boulevard Dental now carries on the legacy of the practice’s patient-first philosophy that has existed for 60 years. We are your COMMUNITY DENTIST. We strive to treat you as you would want to be treated.

Community outreach and volunteer efforts are a priority. We support the local Governor Mifflin School District by providing dental education, dental exams, athletic mouthguards, and other district needs. We also actively provide dental support and volunteer hours in Ukraine (Dr. Medianick’s country of birth). Lastly, we regularly look for ways to support local charity.

Boulevard Dental constantly strives to make changes for the better. Our pursuit of excellence is evident in the many changes we have made to the practice. It is now difficult to recognize our building from how it used to look on the outside. In addition, nearly every aspect of the inside of our building has been remodeled. Our equipment is also the latest in technology.

On this 60th anniversary year, we stand proudly on the backs of those who have brought us here. We hold to the values of our founders, while constantly striving for more for the sake of our patients. May we better our community for many more years to come!