Tooth Sensitivity: There Just Might Be a Solution

If you have ever experienced those “zingers,” possibly from something you have eaten, from a dental procedure, or even while simply trying to clean your teeth, you know how painful they can be. You may even be among those whose tooth sensitivity has impacted your quality of life. But does it have to? We at Boulevard Dental would like to educate you on exactly what causes tooth sensitivity, and on a product that we’ve found to be the most helpful yet in reducing it.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

The American Dental Association (ADA) MouthHealthy online article, “Sensitive Teeth,” explains what causes the sensation of tooth sensitivity. It states that enamel is the outer protective layer of your tooth and cementum is the protective layer of a tooth’s root that lies underneath the gum line; dentin is the layer that is beneath both of these layers. It is this layer of dentin that contains microscopic tubules that allow heat and cold or acidic foods to reach the nerves and cells inside the tooth. Tooth sensitivity occurs when this layer of dentin is exposed.

The above ADA article, “Sensitive Teeth” goes on to list underlying problems that can lead to this tooth sensitivity.

  • Tooth decay (cavities)
  • Fractured teeth
  • Worn fillings
  • Gum disease
  • Worn tooth enamel
  • Exposed tooth root

What is Colgate Anywhere, Anytime Sensitivity Relief Serum?

Products that reduce the symptoms of tooth sensitivity are not new, but we just had to share with you a product with which we at Boulevard Dental have grown particularly fond. It is called Colgate Anywhere, Anytime Sensitivity Relief Serum. According to the online website, it is designed to provide rapid sensitivity relief from cold, heat, acids, sweets, or contact. Furthermore, the Colgate-Palmolive Company, on their website, says it provides relief for tooth sensitivity in 1 minute. And on their website, they add that it is the arginine calcium carbonate in this product that makes it effective.

How and When To Apply?

Colgate-Palmolive, on their website, says to apply a pea-sized amount of the gel directly to the sensitive tooth with your fingertip and gently massage for 1 minute. It is best to focus on the area where your tooth meets your gums and to not rinse afterwards.

Debbi Viger (RDH, BHS), a registered dental hygienist, has written a helpful online article that addresses Colgate Anywhere, Anytime Sensitivity Relief Serum. She has found like we have that it can be applied at the start of your dental appointment where a patient feels sensitivity, or as the appointment progresses as sensitive areas are encountered. It can also be applied after dental procedures as well, such as in cases of scaling and root planing treatments, to decrease potential sensitivity. Finally, once a patient purchases the product, it can be taken home for future use. And this sensitivity relief lasts an average of 28 days!

Comparison with Other Desensitizing Products:

Viger also explains in her article what it is that sets Colgate Anywhere, Anytime Sensitivity Relief Serum apart from your typical desensitizing toothpastes. She says that these toothpastes usually contain potassium which is meant to create an obstruction in the dentin’s tubules. The problem, however, is that these pastes usually only provide relief after one month of use, two times daily and for two minutes each.

It cannot be said enough that other sources of tooth pain masquerading as mere tooth sensitivity must first be ruled out by a dental professional. That said, Colgate Anywhere, Anytime Sensitivity Relief Serum has proven from our experience to be an excellent product for reducing symptoms of tooth sensitivity before, during, and after dental appointments, and as needed by patients at home as well. If you suffer from tooth sensitivity…you just may have found your solution.


American Dental Association. Sensitive Teeth. Mouth Healthy. Accessed November 6, 2019.

Colgate-Palmolive Company. Colgate Anywhere Anytime Sensitivity Relief Serum. Colgate Colabs Website. 2019. Accessed November 6, 2019.

Colgate-Palmolive Company. Colgate Anywhere Anytime Sensitivity Relief Serum. Colgate Professional Website. 2019. Accessed November 6, 2019. Colgate Anywhere Anytime Sensitivity Relief Serum. 2019. Accessed November 6, 2019.

Viger, D. Colgate’s Anywhere Anytime: Offer Immediate Relief for Sensitivity During Dental Treatment. Today’s RDH. August 31, 2019. Accessed November 6, 2019.